Frequently Asked Questions

  • Your muscles and joints go through significant changes during pregnancy. At Cappuccino Physical Therapy, we can help alleviate any pregnancy related aches and pains through manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and postural corrections. We provide guidance on exercise modifications for each trimester to allow you to exercise safely throughout pregnancy. Pelvic floor PT is also necessary for labor and delivery preparation to help reduce the risk of tearing. This includes learning to relax the pelvic floor, perineal massage, hip and pelvic mobility, labor and delivery positions, breathing techniques, pushing practice, and extensive childbirth education.

  • Delivering a baby is trauma to your body and requires injury recovery regardless of delivery method. Your pelvic floor muscles stretch one to three times their resting length during vaginal delivery which can result in pelvic floor dysfunction. Many women experience some form of urinary incontinence postpartum. These issues can be mitigated with pelvic floor PT. If you tore your hamstring, you would be prescribed physical therapy right away. The same should be true of a vaginal delivery.

  • A cesarean section is a major abdominal surgery affecting multiple layers of tissue. Scar tissue can develop in these layers which can decrease abdominal mobility and function and increase abdominal and pelvic pain. Diastasis Recti Abdominis (DRA) is also common after a C-section. At Cappuccino PT, we focus on abdominal strengthening and scar tissue mobilization. After a major knee surgery, you would be prescribed PT to improve strength and mobility, and the same should be true for a C-section.

  • Your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles can take up to 6 months to fully recover from childbirth. If these muscles are weak, they might not function properly during high impact activity which could lead to pelvic floor dysfunction. A gradual return to high impact exercise is encouraged, and our Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists can help progress you.

  • It’s never too late to seek care for pelvic floor dysfunction whether your baby is 8 months old or 8 years old! Some chronic issues take longer to treat than others, but all pelvic floor issues can be addressed at Cappuccino Physical Therapy.

  • An internal pelvic floor examination is an important part of pelvic floor physical therapy. However, it is not required. If you are not comfortable with an internal exam, please let your therapist know so you can discuss other options. Please note that internal exams are only provided with full consent and knowledge from the patient.

  • Absolutely! Children are more than welcome to accompany you to your session. Our physical therapists have coloring books and stickers for older children and there is plenty of room for an infant stroller in the treatment room.

  • You can still come to your appointment! There are plenty of treatment options that can be done during menses.